Why Some Teams Succeed (and So Many Don’t) – A Harvard Business Review Article
- Workplace teams have been studied to death in recent years, and the verdicts are in. They’re a success—and a disaster. They lead to big productivity improvements—and they peter out ineffectively. People love ’em. People hate ’em.
- The good news is that teams have been so well studied and that people at so many companies have worked in teams for many years. All this research and experience have produced new insights into what distinguishes the successes from the failures. What matters most, it turns out, is how teams are managed—and whether the organizations they’re part of provide them with the support they need.
- Read the complete article on: http://discussionleader.hbsp.com/hmu/2008/02/why-some-teams-succeed-and-so-1.php?cm_mmc=npv-_-LISTSERV-_-JUNE_2008-_-ORGDEV
Shared on July 27, 2008
5 career needs of every professional
In today's economy, you need to evolve constantly if you want your career to go places. If you don't, there is every possibility that one of your colleagues/ classmates will walk away with the coveted position that you aspired to. So how does one add value to oneself? This article presents five steps that will meet all your career advancement needs. Check the article at: http://www.rediff.com/getahead/2008/jun/06career.htm
Shared by Kaushal Khandor on June 15, 2008
Manage Your Energy, Not Your Time – Article from HBR Editor’s Blog
- Organizations are demanding ever-higher performance from their workforces. People are trying to comply, but the usual method—putting in longer hours—has backfired. They’re getting exhausted, disengaged, and sick. And they’re defecting to healthier job environments.
- Longer days at the office don’t work because time is a limited resource. But personal energy is renewable, say Schwartz and McCarthy. By fostering deceptively simple rituals that help employees regularly replenish their energy, organizations build workers’ physical, emotional, and mental resilience. These rituals include taking brief breaks at specific intervals, expressing appreciation to others, reducing interruptions, and spending more time on activities people do best and enjoy most. Through this article, the authors Schwartz and McCarthy recommend several practices for renewing four dimensions of personal energy.
- Read the entire article on: http://www.harvardbusiness.com/hbsp/hbo/articles/article.jsp?articleID=R0710B&ml_action=get-article&pageNumber=1&ml_subscriber=true
Shared on June 02, 2008
Lessons from GE's Approach to Personal Productivity – Article from HBR Editor’s Blog
- If it’s accepted wisdom that businesses should revisit their strategies and organizational structures and processes on a regular basis to ensure that they are still relevant, doesn’t it make sense to periodically take stock of how you’re spending your time? Given the current economic climate, there’s no better occasion than now to step back and make sure you’re maximizing your value to your organization. Through this article, the author highlights some basic steps to get managers better manage their time and focus on pursuing innovation and growth. Read the entire article on: http://discussionleader.hbsp.com/hbreditors/2008/04/lessons_from_ges_approach_to_p.html?cm_mmc=npv-_-listserv-_-APR_2008-_-OrgDev
Shared on June 02, 2008
Ten Tips for Engaging Employees
Managers get overworked, sidetracked, and ridiculed to boot, but there are some simple ways they can keep in touch and in sync with their teams. Here are 10 painless, cost-free ways to keep your team in the loop and feeling appreciated that even the most time-starved manager can deploy. Read more on: http://images.businessweek.com/ss/08/01/0128_ryan_engage/index_01.htm?link_position=link1
Shared on March 17, 2008
Driving Business Results Through Pay-for-Performance
- More successful small and mid-sized companies are beginning to tie compensation directly to employee performance to drive incredible business results. Originally believed only for sales professionals, pay-for-performance is proving to be effective at all levels and in all functions of an organization.
- Written with input from leading HR professionals, this guide provides valuable, real-world insight into how to build a successful pay-for-performance culture that can literally transform your business.
- This guide is attached. It can also be downloaded fromhttp://www.successfactors.com/docs/P4P_MissingLink_eGuide_SMB2.pdf
Shared on February 18, 2008
The Ownership Culture (Article from The National Center for Employee Ownership)
- Compelling research and decades of experience show that employee ownership is a powerful tool to improve corporate performance. This research and experience has shown two distinctive realities: first, overall, employee ownership gives companies a performance advantage-"the ownership edge." Second, there is no ready-to-use process to guarantee that a company will achieve the ownership edge. There are, however, six clusters of practices that appear again and again in successful ownership companies. This article describes these six components of ownership management and illustrates the myriad ways in which companies implement them.
- Read the entire article on: http://www.nceo.org/library/ownership_culture.html
Shared by N. R. Khushalani on November 05, 2007
The Best and Worst Corporate Practices
Read Business week’s article on Top 10 Best and Worst Corporate Practices on http://www.businessweek.com//careers/content/mar2007/ca20070328_625625.htm?link_position=link1. Check out the slideshow link on the same page.
Shared on August 27, 2007
Why employees leave organizations
Check out the article on: http://akssara.blogspot.com/2007/04/why-employees-leave-organizations.html
Shared by Kaushal Khandor on July 29, 2007
Want to retain staff? Think beyond money
How satisfied are your talented people with their everyday tasks? Do you know enough about your employees' values to answer that question? Values are not difficult to uncover, but they are powerful forces in an employee's decision to stay or leave. Imagine your employees as your customers. Now, what do they value most? How can you help them attain it? Read more on: http://inhome.rediff.com/money/2007/jan/12spec.htm
Shared by Kaushal Khandor on March 25, 2007
How Internal Communications Can Engage Employees
- According to research conducted by The Gallup Organization, there are three types of employees: engaged, not-engaged, and actively disengaged. According to the U.S. Employee Engagement Survey recently published in Gallup Management Journal, a startling 69% of workers are either not-engaged or actively disengaged on the job. Further research from the firm estimates that approximately $370 billion is lost annually due to lower productivity from actively disengaged workers alone.
- Read more about how to keep employees engaged and increase productivity, worker retention, and gain enthusiastic advocates for your products and services.
- Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared by Kaushal Khandor on December 10, 2006
How to Answer The 64 Toughest Interview Questions?
- A good set of questions and answers that I enjoyed reading. I am sure this can be of great help to individuals looking for good job opportunities as well as to organizations which can use some of the behavioral questions while selecting candidates.
- Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared by N. R. Khushalani on November 12, 2006
Are you losing your temper at work?
- Long and hectic work schedules, lack of sleep, colleagues you dislike, a domineering boss -- these and other factors could lead to one becoming snappy at work. The result -- we slam doors, yell at co-workers, pull faces, snap at our boss, and end up saying things we may regret later.
- It takes years to build up a reputation, and only seconds to destroy it. No matter what, you shouldn't snap. Replace negative emotions with self-confidence and manage difficult situations with grace. Here's how you can keep your emotions under control at work and maintain an unblemished reputation at: http://www.rediff.com/getahead/2006/oct/16snappy.htm
Shared by Sandhya Gopinath on November 06, 2006
Ten Attributes of a Good Employee
“Little do we realize that unless each of us as individuals are committed to excellence in our daily actions there is no way we can create and/or sustain a great enterprise.”, says Prasad in his synopsis of the article - “Ten Attributes of a Good Employee: Bill Gates". Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared by Prasad Mamidanna on October 29, 2006
How to Conduct a Brainstorming Session
Many brainstorming sessions are not as productive as they could be, typically because they are poorly conceived, planned or managed. Here's a proven way to trigger imaginative solutions. And although we use marketing and advertising examples, this method can work for any creative endeavor.
Contact Vishal for the complete article. Shared by Kaushal Khandor on September 24, 2006
Talking Straight: Helping Others to Handle "Bad News"
The author Kim Barnes is President and CEO of Barnes & Conti Associates, an independent learning and organization development firm. She holds a Masters degree in Human Development and has over 30 years’ experience, including both internal and external roles for companies in a variety of industries. Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared on August 13, 2006
Make It or Break It – The First 90 Days At Work
It can be very challenging to successfully navigate through the first weeks on a new job, leaving the impression that you are, indeed, the right person for the right job! It’s natural and normal to have some anxiety during the early days and weeks—everybody does. So, while every situation will have its unique challenges, read some guidelines for getting your feet on the ground at a new job and calming those jitters on http://www.management-advantage.com/products/First90Days.htm
Shared on July 10, 2006
Quitting your job? How to resign
You have found a new job! However, before popping the champagne, you have some unfinished business. You must resign, serve the notice period and make a smooth transition. Don't brush it off. The way you quit is just as important to your career as your hot, new job. Read more on tips to resign: http://in.rediff.com/getahead/2006/jun/21job.htm
Shared on June 25, 2006
How to PowerPoint like a Pro!
“Microsoft's PowerPoint program is a blessing and a curse for business professionals. Most of us use it to convey information, but many of us are bored to tears when we watch the finished product. The problem is not in the software itself, which can be an incredibly valuable tool to enhance the transfer of knowledge. It's how we use it”, says Gallo, a Pleasanton (Calif.)-based corporate presentation coach and former Emmy-award winning TV journalist. He’s the author of the new book, 10 Simple Secrets of the World’s Greatest Business Communicators. Visit him online at www.carminegallo.com. Read the complete article on: http://www.businessweek.com/smallbiz/content/jun2006/sb20060602_100148.htm?chan=careers_careers+insider+newsletter&campaign_id=nws_career_Jun6
Shared on June 12, 2006
How to cope up with a High-Pressure job
The frantic pace of the corporate rat race could very well leave you feeling exhausted -- physically, mentally and emotionally. While increasing your intake of caffeine or taking refuge in chain smoking may get you going for a while, it is certainly not a long-term solution to cope with stringent deadlines and work-related stress. Follow these work strategies and stress-busting tips on http://specials.rediff.com/getahead/2006/may/25sld1.htm to capitalize on the current high-pressured demands.
Shared on May 27, 2006
How to avoid office politics
The author says that office politics takes up too much space and time. Moreover, by being political, it does not appreciably contribute to his overall efficiency or productivity. So he stays out of it. Being apolitical is both simple and sublime. He gives several tips on how to avoid office politics on: http://slackermanager.com/2006/04/how-to-avoid-office-politics.html
Shared on May 22, 2006
Doing well by doing nothing
Feeling unfocused? Try doing nothing. Or rather, try sitting in a quiet room thinking about nothing for at least 20 minutes, twice a day. It sounds simple, even boring, but transcendental meditation isn't just for mantra-chanting yogis or herbal-tea-drinking hippies. Maxed-out professionals are turning to daily meditation to lower blood pressure, prolong concentration, and crank up creative juices. Read more on: http://www.inc.com/magazine/20040701/perspective.html
Shared on May 22, 2006
Company extensions
An important document to have for reference. It provides definitions of company "extensions" and security identifiers used by organizations across the world.
Shared by Raghuveer Vadlakonda on May 13, 2006
Execution without excuses
Dell's sustained competitive advantage is due to more than its famous business model. Consistent execution requires real-time P&L management, an emphasis on ingenuity rather than on investment, and a culture of accountability. An Interview with Michael Dell and Kevin Rollins. Read the article on: http://www.job.dell.sk/buxus/docs/tlacove_spravy/HarvardBusinessReview_March2005_eng.pdf
Shared on May 08, 2006
Tips to give sensational presentations, by Steve Jobs
Shared on April 22, 2006
Time management skills and techniques
- With good time management skills you are in control of your time and your life, of your stress and energy levels. You make progress at work. You are able to maintain balance between your work, personal, and family lives. You have enough flexibility to respond to surprises or new opportunities. All time management skills are learnable. More than likely you will see much improvement from simply becoming aware of the essence and causes of common personal time management problems. With these time management lessons, you can see better which time management techniques are most relevant for your situation.
- The complete article can be read on: http://www.time-management-guide.com/time-management-skills.html
Shared on 22nd April 2006
The Latest in Recruitment Procedures
A funny article on recruitment procedures…JJJ! Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared by P. G. Kamath on April 10, 2006
10 Worst Presentation Habits
“Speakers can be their own worst enemies. Here are our expert's tips on how to make a presentation sing”, says Carmine Gallo. View the slideshow on: http://images.businessweek.com/ss/06/02/mistakes/index_01.htm
Shared on 10th April 2006
The Myths of Executive Compensation
There’s a major concern out there for all of us: the perception of excess compensation received by CEOs. And it’s getting worse year by year. The author deals with this concern by describing several myths about compensation. Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared by Raghuveer Vadlakonda on 3rd April 2006
Sharpening your Business Acumen
- “The art of business acumen is to link an insightful assessment of the external business landscape with the keen awareness of how money can be made — and then to execute the strategy to deliver the desired results”, says author Ram Charan (editors@strategy-business.com), a Dallas-based advisor to boards and CEOs of Fortune 500 companies and the author of Know-How (forthcoming from Crown Business). He is also the coauthor, with Larry Bossidy, of Confronting Reality (Crown Business, 2004) and Execution (Crown Business, 2002).
- Read the article on: http://www.strategy-business.com/press/enewsarticle/enews033006?pg=all
Shared on 3rd April 2006
Be smarter at work, slack off
In a world of too much work and too much multitasking, the best way to beat the competition may be to do less, article by Anne Fisher, FORTUNE senior writer. Read more on: http://money.cnn.com/2006/03/16/news/economy/annie/fortune_annie0317/index.htm
Shared on 24th March 2006
How to make good with the boss
- A very good article on Rediff.com, written by Scott Reeves, Forbes. He says, “A good boss depends on you. The reward for good work is challenging assignments in the future. In return, make your boss look good to The Grand Pooh-Bahs who inhabit the executive suite and the corner offices. If nothing else, boosting your boss will advance your career.”
- Read more on: http://in.rediff.com/money/2006/mar/17forbes.htm
Shared on 17th March 2006
Appraisal vs Resignation
An interesting note and a fact to some extent. Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared by N. R. Khushalani on 4th March 2006
Why smart people under perform?
- It could be ADT (Attention Deficit Trait)! says Edward M. Hallowell, MD, psychiatrist and the founder of the Hallowell Center for Cognitive and Emotional Health in Sudbury, Massachusetts.
- Like the traffic jam, ADT is an artifact of modem life. It is brought on by the demands on our time and attention that have exploded over the past two decades. As our minds fill with noise -- feckless synaptic events signifying nothing -- the brain gradually loses its capacity to attend fully and thoroughly to anything.
- The symptoms of ADT come upon a person gradually. The sufferer doesn't experience a single crisis but rather a series of minor emergencies while he or she tries harder and harder to keep up. Shouldering a responsibility to "suck it up" and not complain as the workload increases, executives with ADT do whatever they can to handle a load they simply cannot manage as well as they'd like. The ADT sufferer therefore feels a constant low level of panic and guilt. Facing a tidal wave of tasks, the executive becomes increasingly hurried, curt, peremptory, and unfocused, while pretending that everything is fine.
- To control ADT, we first have to recognize it. And control it we must, if we as individuals and organizational leaders are to be effective. In the article, the author has offered an analysis of the origins of ADT and provided some suggestions that may help you manage it.
- Read more on: http://lucypevensie.livejournal.com/471731.html
Shared on March 04, 2006
The Essence of Great Workplaces
One-third of all Fortune 500 companies fall off the list after a seven-year ride. To understand the impact of this churn on employees and companies alike. Business world spoke to Wayne Brockbank, the Clinical Professor of Business at the University of Michigan Business School. Brockbank - who has consulted for the Tata group, ICICI Bank, Unilever and Marico - believes that career planning is not in the hands of employees anymore. As companies try to respond to a fast-changing marketplace, they will have to continually shuffle their employees to businesses with the highest returns. And how well they do that depends on their culture.
Shared by N. R. Khushalani on 26th February 2006
How to survive through career shift
Madhu Menon took his big leap during the recent IT industry bust. A software engineer by profession and a chef at heart, he gave up his job to start 'Shiok Far eastern cuisine' in Bangalore. Menon provides a checklist that he followed during his career transition. Read the article on: http://economictimes.indiatimes.com/articleshow/1413347.cms
Shared on 19th February 2006
Seven things to ask your prospective boss
Shared on 21st January 2006
Seven Interviewing Mistakes
Shared on 21st January 2006
Three rules to impress your client - http://in.rediff.com/getahead/2006/jan/17client.htm
Yati Doshi is a corporate trainer based in Mumbai. She has eight years of experience in the corporate arena and two years of experience in training.
Shared on 21st January 2006
Ready to start a business - http://images.businessweek.com/ss/06/01/sbiz_quiz/index_01.htm
Take this quiz and see if the time is right for you to start making your vision a reality
Shared on 21st January 2006
Coping with Stress: Management and Reduction Techniques
A very helpful article on www.helpguide.org. The topics covered are:
- What is stress management?
- What can you do to reduce stress?
- Developing coping skills for stress relief
- When should you seek professional help?
- Causes of stress at work
- Health effects of stress
- How can stress at work be alleviated?
Shared on 15th January 2006
Ideas & Innovation
A short two page article on myths and facts on management of Ideas & Innovation. Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared on 15th January 2006
Marketing IQ Test (http://www.copernicusmarketing.com/iq/index.htm)
- Copernicus has found that the average marketing IQ of senior executives is just 79 (with 100 being 'average' and 160 the top score possible). Just 10 points less, and the average business executive would have been ranked as an "Intuitive Marketer." The following quick Marketing IQ Test will help you assess where your stack up against your peers in marketing knowledge.
- Simply read each question and mark the answer True, False, or I Don't Know. If you don't know, you're better off choosing "I don't know" rather than guessing. In this test, as in the real world, you pay a penalty for a wrong decision. After you answer each of the 20 questions, your quiz will be automatically scored.
Shared on 8th January 2006
Right Postures Ergonomics
A wonderful presentation guiding us on the right postures while working on the computer, in front of which we practically spend most of our time! Contact Vishal for the complete article.
Shared on 25th December 2005
Strategy+Business 10th-Anniversary Retrospective: Our 10 Most Enduring Ideas by Art Kleiner
- New York, N.Y., December 12, 2005 -- Since its launch, in 1995, strategy+business has sought out the smartest and most provocative ideas. To mark our first decade, we asked our readers -- who are, after all, the real users of those concepts -- to tell us which ones will most strongly influence the way business is done over the next decade. Their top 10 answers provide an intriguing glimpse of the management issues that continue to matter. Read the full article on:
Shared on 19th December 2005
Move from one job to another, but only for the right reasons – Message from Dr. Gopalakrishnan
Dr. Gopalakrishnan succeeds Mr. Ratan Tata as Chairman of Tata Sons Ltd., the holding company for many of the Tata blue chips like Tata Steel, Tata Motors, Tata Power, Tata Chemicals, Voltas, etc. Possibly he is the first Non - Tata person to head the Tata Empire. In his message, Dr. Gopalakrishnan claims that an honest answer to a few questions will decide where we will go in our career - to the top of the pile in the long term (at the cost of short - term blips) or to become another average employee who gets lost with the time in wilderness?.
Shared by Kaushal Khandor on 19th December 2005